Business Installations by Bath and West Car Chargers
There are a very large number of options for your business charging equipment. The selection of the most suitable type will be discussed during our initial site visit.
The final specification will depend not only on the number of charging points required but also the usage pattern of the vehicles to be charged.
Priority points can be provided for fastest charging amongst the standard points. Or even priority users can be identified by smart apps.
The total electrical requirement of the charging point system can be controlled, to ensure that the building supply is not overloaded.
We can design the new system and associated installation requirements. We will assess the building’s electrical system for suitability and also carry out any civil engineering works, such as trenches or bollard installation.
This enables us to provide you with a complete, turnkey package.
Business customers can take advantage of grants, through the Government Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS). We will guide you through this process.
Once installed we will thoroughly test the equipment and controllers, then demonstrate its correct use to the building manager and charging point users.

Call 01225 984614
to discuss your car charger requirements

Office for Low Emission Vehicles
Business customers can take advantage of the Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS).
BWCC will deal with all of this for you.
Details of the scheme can be found here.
Bath and West Car Chargers business installations
Bath and West Car Chargers
Office for Low Emission Vehicles
Office for Low Emission Vehicles
Bath and West Car Chargers